The 7 Hermetic principles are the foundation of Hermeticism, a branch of spiritual philosophy, and date back as early as the 1st century A.D. Although it is widely believed that these teachings date much further back into the far reaches of time, the 7 principles were taught by the great master of masters, Hermes Trismegistus, also known as Thoth.
He is believed to have also written the Emerald Tablets and the Corpus Hermeticum. These are two very highly influential and ancient teachings.
In this article, we will dive into what the 7 Hermetic principles are all about and explain how they work in simplified terms.
7 Hermetic Principles List
Here we explain full detailed explained about these all 7 hermetic principles so let’s checkout here:
1. The Principle of Mentalism
The first of the seven Hermetic principles is the Principle of Mentalism, and it states that “The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.” What this means is that the All, which is the substantial reality that is apparent to our material senses, is spirit, which in itself is unknowable and undefinable.
However, it may be thought of as the universal, infinite living mind, the one infinite source of all that is both known and unknown. The Principle of Mentalism also explains that the universe is simply a mental creation or projection of the infinite living mind.
It is also important to know that we are all projections of the infinite living mind and that we are all connected. There is no separation. Every action that you take and every thought or feeling that you express is connected to all things.
2. The Principle of Correspondence
The second Hermetic principle is the Principle of Correspondence, and it states, “As above, so below; as below, so above.” This axiom is often misquoted and misunderstood. It has become quite polarizing in recent times as the Hermetic teachings have been co-opted, misused, and abused by those who seek to serve themselves rather than to serve others, which is what the teachings were originally intended to help accomplish.
The Principle of Correspondence embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the universal laws and phenomena of the various planes of existence. A few examples of these planes would be the mental plane, the astral plane, and the celestial plane. Most of these planes of existence are beyond our knowing, but when we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them, we are able to understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to us.
This principle is of universal application and manifestation on the various planes of the material, mental, and spiritual. It is a universal law. The thoughts and feelings that we hold in our mind will attract their physical equivalent to us in our external reality. This law works unceasingly for both positive or negative outcomes. By understanding this law, we can use it for our benefit rather than to our detriment. You are what you think and believe.
3. The Principle of Vibration
The third Hermetic principle is the Principle of Vibration, and it states that “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” Those who have come to know the law of attraction will likely already be very familiar with the core functions of the Principle of Vibration.
This principle explains that the differences between various manifestations of matter, energy, mind, and spirit are a result of varying rates of vibration. The higher the vibration, the higher the position on the various planes of existence. It is this understanding of vibration that underlies the law of attraction principle that like energy attracts the same energy. If you can increase your own vibrational frequency, you can attract more positive, high-energy events, people, and things into your life.
On the other hand, if you get dragged into negativity, it will be difficult to attract positive outcomes. The Hermeticist knows that our thoughts can be fine-tuned and cultivated. You make your vibrational frequency progressively higher in a way that can be life-changing. This is accomplished by polarizing your thoughts, feelings, and actions to what you desire.
4. The Principle of Polarity
The fourth Hermetic principle is the Principle of Polarity, which states that “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites. Opposites are identical in nature, yet different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” The Principle of Polarity explains these paradoxes, and no other principle can supersede it.
This principle embodies the truth that everything has two poles and that everything has its pair of opposites. The Hermetic Principle of Polarity explains that all things in our lives have an opposite and that the underlying contrast is part of what gives our reality meaning.
For example, without knowing what lack feels like, it is difficult to focus on and appreciate abundance. The polarity of life’s extremes helps us to avoid taking things for granted. This principle is also often known to mean that everything has a dual nature, so we all contain love and hate, positivity and negativity, sadness and joy. It is incumbent upon us to recognize these contrasts and reflect on what they mean to us. We should always seek to use our intuition and inner willpower to align ourselves with the pole that is most helpful in our given circumstance.
5. The Principle of Rhythm
The fifth Hermetic principle is the Principle of Rhythm, which states that “Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is equal to the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”
This principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, a swing backward and forward, a rhythmic ebb and flow. One of the major things that we can learn from the Principle of Rhythm is that everything is in constant motion and works in cycles. There is a pattern to the changes we experience. Everything goes through cycles that move from birth to death and then rebirth. This principle applies just as much to the earth’s seasons as it does to our bodies.
The core idea here is that there is a sense of predictability and inevitability attached to the rhythmic nature of all circumstances. It is important to familiarize yourself with this principle by finding its universal application to all things. This allows you to see a circumstance for what it is, and you can neutralize your mental state during the moments that don’t resonate with your desired outcome while aligning yourself with the moments of the pattern that work to your benefit.
All individuals who have attained any degree of self-mastery do this to a certain degree. They have learned how to use it rather than being used by it.
6. The Principle of Cause and Effect
The sixth Hermetic principle is the Principle of Cause and Effect, which states that “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.” This principle embodies the truth that there is a cause for every effect and an effect from every cause.
It explains that everything happens in accordance with universal law and that nothing ever merely happens, that there is no such thing as chance. Furthermore, while there are various planes of cause and effect, the higher planes dominate the lower planes, yet nothing ever entirely escapes the law.
This principle encourages us to think about the far-reaching impacts of our choices while also challenging us to address the things that are influencing our lives by seeking to become causers rather than being carried along obedient to the environment and the wills and desires of others.
7. The Principle of Gender
The last of the seven Hermetic principles is the Principle of Gender, which states that “Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes of existence.” This principle is also often misquoted and misunderstood. It has also become quite polarizing in recent times as the Hermetic teachings have been co-opted, misused, and abused by those who seek to serve themselves rather than to serve others, which is what the teachings were originally intended to help accomplish.
This principle embodies the truth that there is gender manifested in everything, the masculine and feminine principles ever at work throughout the cosmos. This is true not only on the physical plane but also on the mental and spiritual planes. On the physical plane, the Principle of Gender manifests as sex, male or female, while on the higher planes it takes higher forms, but the principle is ever the same. No creation, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, is possible without the Principle of Gender.
The masculine projects or impresses upon the feminine, which is the catalyst of all forms of creation. The key point here is that the spiritual path is the path of balance and integration. The path to enlightenment is not the path of self-indulgence or asceticism; it is the path of balancing the masculine and feminine aspects within oneself.
How The 7 Hermetic Principles Can Transform Reality
7 Hermetic Principles symbols
The 7 Hermetic Principles are often represented by specific symbols that encapsulate their meanings. Here are the symbols associated with each principle:
- Mentalism: Often depicted with a symbol of the mind or a brain, representing the idea that “The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.”
- Correspondence: Represented by a mirror or a reflection, symbolizing “As above, so below; as below, so above.”
- Vibration: Illustrated with wavy lines or a tuning fork, indicating that “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
- Polarity: Shown with a yin-yang symbol or two opposing arrows, reflecting that “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.”
- Rhythm: Depicted with a pendulum or a wave, symbolizing that “Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall.”
- Cause and Effect: Represented by a chain or a domino effect, indicating that “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.”
- Gender: Illustrated with the symbols for male (♂) and female (♀), representing that “Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles.”
These symbols help to visually convey the essence of each principle and make them easier to remember and apply in daily life.
Would you like to know more about how these principles can be applied practically?
Well, there we hope that we were able to shed light on the seven Hermetic principles and how you can use them in your daily life. If you are seeking answers, the universe is here to help guide us all along the journey.
The seven Hermetic principles are some of the most important and powerful spiritual and philosophical teachings in existence. We hope you enjoyed this article. Be sure to give the…
What are the 7 laws of Hermeticism?
The 7 principles of Hermetics are“The Kybalion,” are: Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity ,Rhythm, Cause and Effect, Gender
What are the 7 principles of hermetics pdf?
The 7 principles of Hermetics, often found in PDFs like “The Kybalion,” are: Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity ,Rhythm, Cause and Effect, Gender
What are Hermetic beliefs?
Hermetic beliefs are centered around the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus and include the idea that there is a hidden, underlying unity to all of reality.
What are Hermetic ideas?
Hermetic ideas encompass a wide range of philosophical and spiritual concepts, including the seven Hermetic principles (Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender), the belief in a divine spark within every human, and the interconnectedness of the microcosm (individual) and macrocosm (universe)