Sabrina Carpenter Birth chart, Zodiac Sign, Horoscope, and Astrology Insights 2024

Sabrina Carpenter, born on May 11, 1999, in Lehigh Valley Junction, New York, United States, has a fascinating astrological profile. She began posting videos of herself singing on YouTube when she was around 10 years old.

Her sun sign is Cancer, emphasizing emotional depth and sensitivity. Her moon sign is Aries, infusing passion and independence into her emotions.

Carpenter’s zodiac sign is Taurus, and her dominant signs are Pisces, Taurus, and Aquarius. Now we explore the Sabrina Carpenter birth chart.

Sabrina Carpenter Birth chart  Breakdown

Let’s explore Sabrina Carpenter birth chart, zodiac sign, horoscope, astrology insights.

Sabrina Carpenter Birth chart  Breakdown
Sabrina Carpenter Birth chart  Breakdown
  1. Sun in Taurus (20° 31’): Sabrina’s sun sign represents her core essence and personality traits. As a Taurus, she is likely grounded, practical, and appreciates stability.
  2. Moon in Pisces (27° 6’): The moon sign reflects her emotional nature. Pisces moons are sensitive, imaginative, and empathetic.
  3. Mercury in Taurus (5° 2’): Mercury governs communication and intellect. With Mercury in Taurus, Sabrina may express herself with a deliberate and steady approach.
  4. Venus in Cancer (3° 18’): Venus symbolizes love, relationships, and aesthetics. In Cancer, she values emotional connections and may have a nurturing and protective demeanor.
  5. Mars in Libra (28° 7’) (retrograde): Mars represents action and drive. Retrograde Mars in Libra suggests she may contemplate decisions carefully and seek harmony in her pursuits.
  6. Jupiter in Aries (20° 37’): Jupiter signifies expansion and growth. In Aries, Sabrina may be adventurous, enthusiastic, and eager to explore new horizons.
  7. Saturn in Taurus (8° 33’): Saturn represents discipline and responsibility. In Taurus, she likely approaches challenges with patience and determination.
  8. Uranus in Aquarius (16° 45’): Uranus embodies innovation and uniqueness. Aquarius Uranus suggests she embraces unconventional ideas and values independence.
  9. Neptune in Aquarius (4° 21’) (retrograde): Neptune governs dreams, intuition, and spirituality. Retrograde Neptune in Aquarius may enhance her visionary and idealistic tendencies.
  10. Pluto in Sagittarius (9° 38’) (retrograde): Pluto signifies transformation and deep inner processes. Retrograde Pluto in Sagittarius hints at her quest for truth and personal growth.

Keke Palmer Birth Chart, Zodiac Sign, Horoscope and Astrology

Sabrina Carpenter Aspects:

Sabrina Carpenter Zodiac Sign, Horoscope, and Astrology Insights
Sabrina Carpenter Zodiac Sign, Horoscope, and Astrology Insights
  • Mercury square Neptune (orb: 1°): A blend of practicality and intuition.
  • Uranus opposition North Node (orb: 1°): A tension between individuality and life path.
  • Sun square North Node (orb: 3°): Challenges related to self-expression and destiny.
  • Jupiter trine North Node (orb: 3°): Favorable alignment for growth.
  • Saturn square Neptune (orb: 4°): Balancing realism and idealism.
  • Sun square Uranus (orb: 4°): A need for freedom and uniqueness.

Sabrina Carpenter Chart Patterns:

  • T-Square: Uranus in Aquarius, Sun in Taurus, and North Node in Leo. This dynamic configuration emphasizes individuality, stability, and personal growth.
  • Yod: Venus in Cancer, Chiron in Sagittarius, and Neptune in Aquarius. A Yod indicates a special purpose or challenge.

Sabrina Carpenter Special Features:

  • The moon was a waning crescent moon during her birth.
  • Venus participates in ten aspects, emphasizing love and relationships.
  • Uranus in Aquarius is the sole dispositor, amplifying her individuality.

Remember, astrology provides insights, but each person’s journey is unique. Sabrina Carpenter birth chart reflects her potential, but her choices and experiences shape her path. 🌟🔮


What state was Sabrina Carpenter born in?

Sabrina Carpenter was born in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, United States.

When is Sabrina Carpenter’s birthday?

Sabrina Carpenter was born on May 11, 1992.

What is Sabrina Carpenter’s zodiac sign?

Her zodiac sign is Taurus.

What is Sabrina Carpenter birth chart?

Sabrina Carpenter, born on May 11, 1999, in Lehigh Valley Junction, New York, United States, has a fascinating astrological profile. Her sun sign is Cancer, emphasizing emotional depth and sensitivity. Her moon sign is Aries, infusing passion and independence into her emotions.

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